Our Mission

Alphien is a FinTech company focused on the creation and implementation of quantitative investment strategies from its community of data scientists

Our mission is to facilitate the transition to using more data science in the investment process and be the trusted partner of organisations in this space

Redefining investment research

At Alphien we redefine the concept of financial data science research by connecting the scientific community at large with the financial industry through our web based platform

Investment managers obtain high quality, exclusive and customized research for a fraction of the costs by hosting online competition in our research lab


Providing investment strategies

Alphien also provide access to fully-vetted investable quantitative strategies in its investment portal

Intellectual Property produced can be licensed with Alphien and the researchers splitting their licensing fees


We believe in


Systematic investment strategies have become dramatically more effective thanks to technology and are now being embraced by more and more investment managers on the lookout for alpha. Cost effective data-driven strategies should continue to gain prevalence in the future


We believe in


Crowdsourcing is an old idea whose time has come. The growing number of internet users and the rise of the access to knowledge across the world make this model more powerful than ever


We believe in


The combination of modern technologies and data science applied on human ideas brings validation and rigour to the investment process
