What We Offer


How it Works

Create an Account

Get free access to our wide range of market data, discover our extensive R libraries and get support from experts in your journey to be a quant.

Build an Algorithm

Build your algorithm and test your strategy with our robust backtesting tools. You maintain full ownership and right to your work.

Submit Your Strategy

Participate in sponsored Alphathons or submit your strategies. Selected strategies win licensing fees and/or cash prizes.

Your Benefits

Get free access to advanced tools, sample strategies and support from quant finance experts.

Submit your strategies and see paper trading results. Get feedback from professionals and finetune your strategies.

Gain visibility
March up the leaderboard with active participation in Alphathons or with submission of strategies.

Ready for quant trading, willing to benchmark yourself? Challenge yourself by joining an Alphathon.

Team up and share knowledge to maximise your chance to win an Alphathon.

Get rewards
When you win an Alphathon or your strategy is selected by an investment manager, you’ll be awarded attractive cash prizes and/or licensing fees.